Takeaway ratings in Balsall Heath Edgbaston Stadium

Get the ratings and reviews of takeaway restaurants in Balsall Heath Edgbaston Stadium. To view the menu and order online simply click the takeaways from the list below.

Dessert King
223-225 Edward Street, Balsall Heath / Edgbaston Stadium, B12 9LH
Elegant Cake Boutique - Balsall Heath
48 Eastwood Road, Balsall Heath / Edgbaston Stadium, B12 9NB
Gelato Desserts - Balsall Heath / Edgbaston Stadium
4 Wyatts Close, Balsall Heath / Edgbaston Stadium, B5 7QR
Hola Pollo - Edgbaston
Edgbaston Stadium, Balsall Heath / Edgbaston Stadium, B5 7QU
Balsall Heath Edgbaston Stadium on the map

Other takeaways in Birmingham

Phamri - Highgate Park - Charles Henry Street
Boston Tea Party - 190, Corporation Street
Sonny's Caribbean Kitchen - Flat
Starfish - 192 Regent Road
M.S One - 369 Coventry Road

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Postcodes in Balsall Heath Edgbaston Stadium

B12 / B5

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